Sadly, the death of a baby is not a rare event and every 90 minutes in the UK – the length of a football match - a baby dies shortly before, during or soon after birth. When a baby dies the feelings of loneliness and isolation can be overwhelming and having other bereaved families to talk to is vital, but men can sometimes be overlooked or struggle to find ways of getting support that suits them.
Sands United FC Ashby are a football team that welcomes men, bereaved through child loss, of all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels for a kick about regardless of talent level and ability. It is a unique way for dads and other bereaved male family members to come together through a shared love of sport and find a support network where they can feel at ease talking about their grief when they're ready.
Firemen, plumbers, delivery drivers, care workers, designers and teachers, this United team spirit leaves no one behind in the quest to raise awareness of the support that Sands UK and particularly Sands United FC Ashby offer bereaved men so that others that suffer the same cruel fate have a place to go to talk about and channel their grief.
On the pitch the Ashby team vary from ex semi-pro footballers to players returning to the game after a lengthy lay off to those seeking a weekly distraction. Local ‘friendly’ matches against charity teams prove to be a challenging run out for one and all. From 6 a side to full pitch 11 a side football the club continues to go from strength to strength turning out some great performances over the last few months and giving teams a run for their money making matches feel incredibly competitive whilst keeping them played in the right spirit.
Sands United FC Ashby was started in June 2020 by Matt Buckley, also an expectant father that suffered the same pain and the same cruel fate some time earlier. The work that Matt and the senior team behind the running of the club put in to this brotherhood, this United team spirit is exceptional and whilst they wish and they work for others not to have to go through the same fate as the rest of the team have, they welcome the best band of brothers they wished they hadn’t had to meet.